" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Being me

Sometimes you can't help it from feeling insecure, vulnerable. It is not easy to open up to others and let others see you right through you, past your flaws and accepting you for being just you. Some say i think too much, but what if some of the thoughts and all the thinkings are indeed necessary? Sometimes being trapped in your own perfect world, where you live in denial aint gonna help you. People might think I always feel better when I share my feelings and thoughts with others whenever there are things which are bothering me, but the truth is , it doesnt always work like that.

I don't know...maybe it just me..being paranoid.
Im sorry.
I know you guys hate it when I think too much.
But I can't help it.
Its just me being ME.

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