" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I'm Amazed

I can be difficult at times... AS for now, all the time. Unpredictable mood swings - im sick of blaming it on PMS! I hate to admit it that I have been rather mean and irrational. To be the person taking them, and just put up with moody me, takes some kind of patience. It can't be just any guy. I know, that doesn't give me the right to treat you that way. You have to admit, that's not all to me there is. I mean, I am NOT the moody girl all through the time when we are together. There are more to me....more pleasant side of me.

I'm amaze and thankful that you are still here, accepting me at being the ugliest i can be.
And I love you for that...

I'm sorry.

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