" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Friday, April 17, 2009

Something to figure out

You thought you have everything planned and going well on track. But the truth is, I don't know what I know anymore. I always thought If I have everything figured out, then everything will be fine. But then again, they were all myths that I made myself to believe. I think for once, I have to let time and fate decide the course of love and life. Go with the flow, let things happen. Without much force and pressure. For once, live it as it is. Feel it as it touches you. Savour it as it happens.

And yes, We dont know what is in for us in the future. I guess now I know what you were trying to tell me. I'm not perfect nor the one. I'm slowly to understand, pretending that things are the way I want it to be when they are clearly not, wont help.

Im still trying to learn and understand all these. Me, you, us... It's not a bad thing. I guess, it's just another part of my "self-discovery" thing to do. At this age, it's so naive of me to think that I have everything figured out, certain about everything. When the fact is, I know somehow deep inside of me, I'm still lost, still ignoring some obvious signs which point to my insecurities and uncertainties.

Something to figure out....

1 comment:

njahmat said...

ems? you're being very vague, perhaps because this is a blog. but i sense something is not quite right. i hope to catch up with you soon, once I get some stuff out of the way. Sigh. Hahah.