" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Sunday, April 26, 2009

There goes my weekend...

Guess what peeps?! I joined the QSC thingy and I actually won something. I won gold medal for netball(very funny,I know) Oh well, it was more of my teammates efforts. without them,I would have lost. (I totally suck at sports! seriously) I would like to thank J,Z,A,D,B & S for everything. It was fun but I guess that will be the first and the last time for me to be part of it. Prefer staying outside the court/field. Just let me cheer for you peeps. I'm better at that because it's more relaxing and fun thing to do. Overall we did okay .(hehehe...=D) much better than being the last.(wink,wink). Ok enough said here. Got to get going peeps because I have a life!(lol)

see ya
one thing for sure dont wanna be ya!
take care

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