" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Friday, April 18, 2008

# First #

Aloha bloggers...

Its cool how u can share ur thoughts with the rest of the world ( that's IF someone does read ur blog), u know at least u know that u r not entirely ALONE drowning with emotional breakdowns and dealing with people who drives u INSANE!!! *sigh*

Trust me living in this crazy world, everything is unpredictable. Sometimes, when you believe too much in Karma, it will be dissapointing when u realise it is not entirely true, when good things dont happen to good people. Eventually all of us will somehow be a fool in something we do no matter how hard we try to be right n perfect. Sometimes, when we try soo hard to make other people happy, we tend to forget to make OURSELVES happy..If we cant trust ourselves to make us happy, how can we trust others to make us happy?

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