" You think you know, but you have no idea."

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


In life you can't run from uncertainty. Uncertainty..that's one of the things that I fear,but then again thats just part of living. Have you ever wonder why some people do things certain way? Why they tell certain lie but yet can still get away with things? How people can go to sleep at night after crushing a pure soul? How people can take others for granted when they trusted them with their deepest secret? How can some people just sail away without wondering how the other is doing after a great fall? Is it just me.... or is that just how life is??
Some may think to let them all out is the best...
Some say chin up and just walk away...
Some say its not the end of the world..just be happy!
One owes many thanks to many people...who were there to pick her up when she fell soo hard on the ground..and who are still there and will always be there for her.. Thank you..
But, she knows that it has to start from her.She is a big girl after all..She will be alright..and YOU know that..

Remember peeps... " Two wrongs dont make A right".

1 comment:

nadia denise said...

be strong Emi! every cloud has its own silver lining kan! im sure it is! ade hikmah nyer. hang in there!! u r pretty and young laa girll.. there is still a plenty of fish in the water =)